Course curriculum

  • 1


    • What is this course about?

    • Speakers Bios

    • Br . Jacek Orzechowsk video introduction.

  • 2

    What Is Happening to Our Common Home.

    • What Is Happening to Our Common Home

    • Reading material

    • Quiz

  • 3

    A Call to Ecological Conversion and the Holistic Alternative to the Technocratic Paradigm

    • A Call to Ecological Conversion and the Holistic Alternative to the Technocratic Paradigm

    • Reading material

    • Quiz

  • 4

    The Gospel of Creation

    • The Gospel of Creation

    • Reading material

    • Quiz

  • 5

    A Call to Integral Ecology: A Perspective from the Global South.

    • A Call to Integral Ecology A Perspective from the Global South

    • Reading material

    • Quiz

  • 6

    Seeking Justice and Protecting all Life: Towards a Coherent Social and Environmental Approach

    • Seeking Justice and Protecting all Life Towards a Coherent Social and Environmental Approach

    • Reading material

    • Quiz

  • 7

    Institutional, Systemic and Lifestyle Changes.

    • Institutional, Systemic and Lifestyle Changes

    • Reading material

    • Quiz

  • 8

    A path towards a Comprehensive Ecological Education and Spirituality for Social Transformation.

    • A path towards a Comprehensive Ecological Education and Spirituality for Social Transformation

    • Reading material

    • Quiz

  • 9

    The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor: A Response from a Youth-led Social Movement.

    • The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor A Response from a Youth-led Social Movement

    • Reading material

    • Quiz

  • 10

    The Importance of Interfaith Collaboration in Dealing with Climate Emergency and Other Social Justice Issues

    • The Importance of Interfaith Collaboration in Dealing with Climate Emergency and Other Social Justice Issues

    • Reading material

    • Quiz